The most important for an operator is the monetization of its infrastructure and of its service.
EVISTEL Smart OCS and Payment Gateway help operators in this monetization challenge allowing charging, in real-time, the right customer with the right offer.
With new usages introduced by smartphones, fast evolution of network technologies, new established actors like OTT and competition with other operators, getting maximum profit out of its network becomes more and more a challenge for an operator.
There are two main sources of incomes for operators: the end-users that pay for telecom services access (voice calls, internet access…), and the third-parties (businesses, external company, brands, content providers…) that want to use operator’s network to access or provide services to customers.
EVISTEL offers two solutions for monetization of this two sources of incomes: the Smart OCS for rating&charging of customers, and the payment gateway for applications. The payment gateway allows both the charging of applications accessing to the network and the charing of end-users by applications.
EVISTEL solutions are real-time solutions. They have been designed focusing on high flexiblity for fast response to market trends and to technologies evolutions.
EVISTEL smart OCS is a new generation IN/OCS system for voice, data and services.
It provides real-time rating and charging for 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, 5G, data and IMS networks. It offers an easy creation of offers (and more globally of any intelligent service): differentiated offers, packages, roaming fees, bonus and promotions for data, voice…
The solution is focused on flexibility: easy creation and modifications of offers for all networks whatever protocol is used and for all services whatever service complexity is…
The solution has been designed for high performance and scalability.
- Fast creation of prepaid and real-time postpaid offers
- Easy management of promotions
- Roaming charging with automatic least-cost provisioning
- …
EVISTEL Payment Gateway is part of ESME Gateway (click here to get more information) which controls, and charges, all external applications that need to access operator’s network. The gateway provides real-time and flexible charging of applications: fees, charge on usage, revenue sharing…
The Payment Gateway also lets applications charging end-users. The gateway charges the end-users on their prepaid or postpaid accounts. Controls can be set up to limit frauds and abuses.